

Please read this End User License Agreement (EULA) carefully. The training courses provided by Teleseminar make use of software that is delivered through a magnetic or electronic medium, or is installed on a computer, tablet or smartphone via the Apple AppStore, the Windows Store by Microsoft or GooglePlay for Android. By copying, installing or using the software or any part of the software or any of the files used by this software on the server of Teleseminar or on a storage medium of the end user, you agree to accept and to be bound by the terms and conditions stated in this EULA.
This EULA is enforceable against the person (“user” or “you”) for whom the seminar was purchased and the company who obtained the software for which this will be used for. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement, you must not use, copy or install the software or the files that used by the software.
Those who do not agree with this EULA can neither follow the course nor demand a certificate for having followed a course. In that case you may contact Teleseminar for the conditions and restrictions regarding the refund and return of software.
All intellectual property rights in and to the software (including,without limitations, all text, graphics, sounds, all messages or items of information, videos, and any other elements which are part of the software, individually or in combination) and any and all copies therefor on the server of Teleseminar or on the storage medium of the end user are owned by Teleseminar.
This software is not sold, but you are granted a license. Teleseminar only permits the user to copy, install, use or any other purpose that benefit from the functionality of the intellectual property rights in compliance with the terms stated in this EULA.
On the composing parts of the course, including but not exclusively the video recordings, slides and animations, also printed slides, are protected by copyrights. The user or acquirer of a Teleseminar training course and the associated license shall not, directly or indirectly, remove, alter, disable or circumvent any copyright indications contained on or within the course in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

1. Software license
Upon purchase of a Teleseminar course the user is granted one non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensed, non-commercial and personal license to install and/or use the software (in whole or in part) and attend the course with the purpose of achieving an attendance certificate, for such time until either You or Teleseminar terminates this EULA.
The licenseholder is not allowed to, directly or indirectly, sell, rent out, lease, license, distribute, market, exploit the software or any of its parts commercially. The user may provide the software to other users that are in employment by the same person as the license grantee. This use is restricted to following the course without the achievement of the certificate. It is not allowed to make extra copies of the media or share the login credentials, including the password, that may provide access to the course with any other users.
The User is not allowed to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, reproduce, translate, or create derivate works of this software. It is forbidden to separate parts of the software; the software is released as a whole and should be used as expected.
While using the Software, You agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. In all cases, You may only use the Software according to anticipated use of the Software.

2. Intellectual property
The software, all the components that are part of it and the files that are used during the course, are intellectual property of Teleseminar bvba. The software is protected by national and international laws, copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. Except as expressly set forth in this EULA, all rights not granted hereunder to You are expressly reserved by Teleseminar.
This License grants no title or ownership of the Software and should not be considered as a sale of any rights in the Software.

3. Warranty
In the event the software is unable to install on the computer or a mobile device of the user despite having the correct operating system and hardware configuration that is stated in the manual, the User may cancel the order and opt for a refund within a period of ninety (90) days from the date of your purchase. In such cases Teleseminar may opt to diagnose the used configuration on the location where it is located. The User, who does not allow this, won’t be eligible for refund.
This is your sole and exclusive remedy for the warranty set forth in this section. Variations in performance compared to what is described in the documentation are not valid to claim the warranty. To make use of this warranty you need to send a proof of purchase within the aforementioned ninety (90) days to Teleseminar bvba. If it is found that a part of the course has been followed, then the option for refund will become invalid.

4. Limitation of liability
You expressly acknowledge that use of the Software is at your own risk. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, the software is supplied on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Teleseminar and her providers do not make and hereby claim any guarantees, conditions, warranties of any kind, express, implied or statutory or other terms including as to: (a) its conformity, accuracy, correctness, completeness, reliability or security (b) its suitability for a particular use; (c) implied warranties of title, non-infringement; (d) its market value; or (e) your satisfaction. Teleseminar does not warrant that the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defect will be corrected, or that the Software is free of harmful components. You assume all responsibility for selecting the Software to achieve your intended results, and for the installation of, use of, and results obtained from the Software.
To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, in no event will Teleseminar and/or her associated service providers be liable for loss or damage suffered in connection with the use of the Software. This includes without limitations (a) all losses of any kind, whether in tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), contract, misrepresentation (whether innocent or negligent) or otherwise, (b) direct loss; (c) accidental loss, (d) incidental loss, (e) consequential loss, and (f) indirect loss.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned limitations of liability, your sole remedy in the event of a dispute with Teleseminar and/or providers is to cease use of the software; and if applicable, seek damages for your losses. For any product purchased for use on a compatible mobile device that would not meet the applicable legal warranties, Teleseminar’s liability is limited to the refund of the purchase price of the product. In no event is Teleseminar and/or providers be liable for damages in excess of any amount you have paid to Teleseminar for the product during the 90 days immediately prior to the time your cause of action arose.

5. Applicable law
This EULA and the sale of the training is governed by Belgian law. All disputes relating to the use of the Software that derive from this agreement or the training course can only be called upon a Belgian court. The court of Oudenaarde is hereby designated as territorially authorized court.

6. Consent with data usage
Teleseminar and its affiliated companies and suppliers may collect and store the technical, user and usage data. These are collected as part of the support services that are related to the Software, in order to improve and enhance the experience of the User and to develop an enhanced or extended its commercial policy. The use of information is limited to the objectives stated here.
Your privacy is very important to Teleseminar and Teleseminar will not reveal your personal data to third parties except when expressly authorized by you to do so or in special circumstances. Technical support is only possible if the User authorizes to use all the data about the User and the computer specification that he uses to follow the course.
The data provided to Teleseminar during account creation, including the first and last name, company name and e-mail address, may be used by Teleseminar for marketing purposes.

7. Specific terms and exceptions

7.1 Certificate
The Teleseminar trainings allow the user to demand a certificate after fully attending it. The certificate will not be provided if the payment for the course is not fulfilled. The purchase of a single license only provides a single participant the right to demand a certificate that is eligible for compulsory professional education. Following parts of a course that are freely available for registered users, for introductory purposes, can not be based upon in order to qualify for a certificate.

7.2 Fraudulent use of software
Teleseminar reserves the right to deny a certificate to any user that is suspected of fraud. When following a course, all kinds of data relating to the use of the software are stored on the mobile device and forwarded to Teleseminar when there is an active internet connection. An internet connection is required on his mobile device when the user requests a certificate on it. When the user requests a certificate, calculations will be made based on this information which can result in a list with potential fraud indicators. If these indicators indicate fraud then the user will not obtain a certificate.
The term “fraudulent use” is defined as using any software and/or courses that are not understood as the full attentive attendance of the provided course and information, in analogy with the attentiveness of a classical education. Which behaviors or combination of behaviors are considered fraudulent are under Teleseminar’s full discretion. In the event of the withholding of a certificate the user has the right to hear the reason for refusal.
The user is not allowed to delete the files before he or she is in possession of the certificate. The inability to provide these files equates to fraudulent use of the software and will never qualify for a certificate. The user gives Teleseminar the right to download these files through any electronic data sharing means. In case of doubt, Teleseminar is free to deny a certificate to the user or refund the purchase price of the relevant course. In case of evident fraud, the user can never claim for a refund.
If in any event, due to but not exclusively defined as computer issues or power loss, the files are no longer intact or have disappeared, and therefore the indication of the completed parts no longer is present, the User must attend these parts of the course again before requesting a certificate. Teleseminar is not liable for the loss of time involved. Teleseminar has the opportunity to inform the user about the use of software that will not be tolerated in the future, and re-occurences may lead to denial of a certificate.

8. General terms
This EULA forms the entire agreement between the acquirer and user and Teleseminar regarding the software product and possible support. This agreement supersedes all previous and current oral or written notices, proposals and claims regarding the Software-product or any other topic covered by this agreement. If any part of this agreement is deemed invalid, non-binding and/or non-enforceable, it will not have effect on the validity of the rest of this agreement, which remains valid and enforceable under the applicable terms.

The following terms are defined as follows:

Teleseminar: the business name for training courses on a magnetic or electronic medium that allows the user to attend the courses on a computer or mobile device, by which it can be measured with utmost certainty whether the user has attended the course and therefore be provided with a certificate by the similar named organization Teleseminar bvba.

Training: a single title produced according to the Teleseminar principle with a set subject and duration, and consists of a number of modules and slides.

Teleseminar App: the program that is installed on a computer, tablet or smartphone via the Apple AppStore, the Windows Store of Microsoft or Google Play on Android; and contains the necessary software to follow the courses on these devices. The users can attend the courses through this App provided there is an active internet connection.

Software: the program developed by Teleseminar and provided to the User to attend the courses but also to collect the necessary information to control the effective attendance of a course, to verify whether the user qualify for a certificate.

Acquirer: the person that purchases the Teleseminar course and therefore obtains the user license for the software and to whom the invoice will be sent to.

User: the person that attends the course with the purpose of qualifying for a certificate and also is mentioned in the order for a training courses ordered at Teleseminar.

Files: the entirety of the computer files that are used by the software when attending the Teleseminar courses and stored separately on the server; these consist, but not exclusively, out of video and animation files for the slides.